
Sunday, July 12, 2009

oh kie doinky gonna upload genting pic... since it happened lik 2 week ago lol.. we formed "G.E.T.L.C.L.S" n "9091" cuz we're gonna perform 4 talentime... so yeah all de babe babes re in de gang.. de guys would be 9091..coll wouldn't b dat happening wthout em...

we need sunniess..

super kawaii especially john mok
girls cook breakfast spaghetti,sausages,n mushroom soup
& guys wash dishes

in de cable car wth super cute babes
me n mun sat that ride 3/4 times really stress free wei...
winky winky...
G.E.T.L.C.L.S & 9091

JOHN MOK eat til gt darn darn lots of facial expression n feelings super funny lik ZOMG....LOL

outdoor passes lol! hands hands...

we danced n ply outside piggy back de pool weheeeeeeee.....camwhore wth wen in de bathroom hahahahah

our last grp picha when we're abt 2 leave genting....real lots super dupper fun

lots more pic uploaded at fb...

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