
Saturday, October 10, 2009

OMG!! today i wanted to create a new blogspot for Gervanie, its for my blogshop.
Besides that, i need a new e-mail add at g.mail

guess what? has already been EXISTED!!!

geeeeezeeee i created gervazesh and gervanie that both fabulous names at the same year/month/day/hour/second! and its the year of 2006! since i was form3!

I hadn't expose the name gervazesh and gervanie publicly. Till form 4 i create a blogspot for my own and i name it gervazesh, I regreted seriously. I want to delete gervazesh account, intend to protect that name for my future business name. But all my post will be gone.

But,i damn love de word GERVANIE~~~ i created that using my mind, i didn't replicate from any website or any sources.

Thank God, Gervazesh is available.

Say bye bye to Gervanie and create a new name.
Think of an alphabet G~~


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