My lovee for doggies~~~
Gosh while searching for doggies picture..
I am drooling soo much..
Doggies are the cutest creature on earth..
sooooooo kawaiii!!!
#11 breeds that i would love to rare in the future
old english sheepdog
goshh so fluffy like a big puff ball~~ so cute lor
dammnnn cuteee lor!!
At first, i thought my ginger is an old eng sheepdog, because of the similarities of fur color.
personality/ temperament: | good-natured, intelligent, affectionate, faithful, easy to train, boisterous, adaptable, even disposition, some can be aggressive, shy, nervous |
maintenance/ special needs:
| high, brush constantly, sheds alot, early discipline to curb aggressive behavior, possessive, territorial, requires lots of attention, protect from heat, keep ears clean, accustom to grooming early
This is King Charles Spaniel Cavellier
I think in de future i will own one, its so cute.
It has a history of mostly own by Royal families.
Small dog breed for a spaniel type
I want to rare this doggy
Great Dane known as German Mastiff or Danish Hound
Commonly referred as Apollo of all breeds.
World tallest dog breeds
The current world record holder, measuring 109 cm (43 in) from paw to shoulder; 220 cm (7.2 ft) from head to tail
French Bull Dog (puppy)
life span 12-14years
Bulldogs are one of very few breeds whose tail is naturally short and curled
Despite their famous "sourpuss" expression, bulldogs are generally docile although can prove to be very fast movers over a short distance
Like all dogs, bulldogs require daily exercise. If not properly exercised it is possible for a bulldog to become overweight, which could lead to heart and lung problems, as well as joint issues.
Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat.
This pic so Tai Lo doggie wei..
Hoe yao yeng lo
Boxers are the sixth most popular breed of dog
The character of the Boxer is of the greatest importance and demands the most solicitous attention. He is renowned from olden times for his great love and faithfulness to his master and household. He is harmless in the family, but distrustful of strangers, bright and friendly of temperament at play, but brave and determined when aroused. His intelligence and willing tractability, his modesty and cleanliness make him a highly desirable family dog and cheerful companion. He is the soul of honesty and loyalty, and is never false or treacherous even in his old age. |
Basset Hound
To me it look like a sausage dog.
The Basset Hound is a large dog with short legs.
The Basset Hound is seen as an especially friendly breed. For this reason they are an excellent pet for children. Many Bassets "forget" the training when a reward is not present. Bassets should be on a leash when out on walks.
The Basset Hound was bred to hunt. Its keen nose and short stature are suited to small-game hunting on foot, although many Bassets have lost their age-old skills.
Cocker Spaniels have two types
American & English cocker spaniel
Originally bred of gun dog background
The American Cocker Spaniel breed standard defines the ideal dog of the breed as having an outgoing, friendly temperament. They tend to be soft dogs who do not do well with rough or harsh training.
The angle of this picture, looks exactly of my old ginger
My old doggie is cocker spaniel, so much memories with her
I don't mind getting one again =)
Its a Maltese
Small breed of toy dog, known for its silky white hair
Maltese are bred to be cuddly companion dogs, and thrive on love and attention. They are extremely lively and playful, and even as a Maltese ages, his or her energy level and playful demeanor remain fairly constant.
So kawaiii~~~
Its a puppy about 2 month old
Bubu >.<"
Ahh look at the face so playful and RRRrrr sexay LOL..
Husky's eyes as "an almond shape, moderately spaced and set slightly obliquely." The eyes of a Siberian Husky are ice-blue, dark blue, amber, or brown. In some individual dogs, one eye may be brown and the other blue
Siberian Husky
It is recognizable by its thickly furred double coat, sickle tail, erect triangular ears, and distinctive markings
Huskies are an active, energetic, and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic.
They were initially sent to Alaska and Canada as sled dogs but rapidly acquired the status of family pets and show dogs.
Siberian Huskies are highly intelligent, which allows them to excel in obedience trials, though many clubs would like to keep the Husky's instinct by doing sled-racing.
However, because of their intelligence, they can easily become bored and may stop listening to commands. Many dog trainers usually attempt to avoid this behavior by keeping them busy with new activities. Also due in part to their intelligence, Huskies tend to be very observant on the actions of people around them and have been known to mimic common household activities such as turning on lights with their paws and opening doors with their canines. Some undesirable behaviors they can exhibit include opening refrigerators (and eating the food inside), climbing fences or digging tunnels in the backyard to escape.These behaviors can be prevented if the dog is given enough activity to occupy it.
Uhhh chow chow~~
So furry so cute~~
This is a white fur breed
My uncle from thailand have a chow chow
The breed has a very dense double coat that is either smooth or rough. The fur is particularly thick around the neck, giving the distinctive ruff or mane appearance. The coat may be one of five colors including red, black, blue, cinnamon/fawn, and cream. Chows are not a particularly active breed. Apartment life can suit them, if they are given enough opportunity for regularly-scheduled physical activity each day.
Rough Collie
My Godma and Uncle rare this breed before.
Gosh i tell u they are sooo cute and the fur is so super fluffly and long..
Rough collies should show no nervousness or aggressiveness, and are good with children and other animals. However, they must be well socialized to prevent shyness. They are mid to large sized dogs, and are suited to live in small apartments because of their calm disposition, as they are not as high strung as the poodle, Labrador and other hunting breeds.
Thats all for now~~
I am so gonna sleep.
Trust me in the future i will buy lotsa pets hehe
I feel like buying a tortoise or crown fish soon.
I am still contemplating about crown fish, because of maintenance, fish tank and all..
My parents gave away 4 fish tanks already.
So yea
I wana go sleeeeeeeeeeeep =)
-Expect the unexpected, if it happens, i'm glad to know the truth-
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