Whoopsy Ooopsy Lady Gaga.
While i was reading magz online, This headline surprised me "not really" lol.
It was like a usual routine for me to check mails, read online magz mostly re fashion magazines, gossip, headlines, news and entertainment. Its my thingy =)
So yeah,
the headline was taken by Vanity People, Italy issue.
23 Giugno 2010
(june issue)
I don't know if the pictures re released today.
The language are italian =)
Lady Gaga spicca il volo
(means Lady Gaga soars)
La regina del pop e delle mise eccentriche questa volta ha un po' esagerato: vacilla sulle zeppe vertiginose e...cade. Ecco lo slow motion del "volo".
(The queen of pop and eccentric this time put a bit 'exaggerated: e. .. vertiginous wedges falters on falling. Here's the slow motion of "flight". )
Mise eccentriche
La star di Poker Face ama gli eccessi: spacchi, trasparenze e...tacchi altissimi
(The eccentric star began Poker Face loves excesses: cracks, transparencies e. .. high heels)
Calzature impossibili
La sua passione? Le zeppe. E si vede...
(Footwear impossible her passion? The chocks. And you can see ... )
Prime avvisaglie...
La struttura comincia a dare segni di cedimento...
(First signs ... The structure begins to show signs of slowing ... )
Si rialza (con fatica)
Come era prevedibile, Lady Gaga ha peso l'equilibrio ed è atterrata...sul suo cellulare
(Landing As expected, Lady Gaga has weight balance and landed on his mobile ...)
Mica facile tirarla su. Ci vogliono due persone.
(she stands up (with difficulty) Not easy to pull on. It takes two people. )
-alla fine-
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